The Berlin Blockade

Case Study 1: The Berlin Blockade, 1948-49
1. After WW2, Germany was divided into four zones & Berlin was divided into four sectors.
  • These were controlled by the USA, Britain & France on one side, and the Soviet Union on the other.
2. The USA wanted to revive the German economy. They wanted a strong democratic government.
3. The Soviet Union disagreed & took reparations from their part of Germany.
4. President Truman of the USA wanted to use Marshall Aid funds to revive the German economy. THe USA & their Allies lauched a new currency - the Deutschmark.
5. Stalin leader of the Communist Russia, cut off all road, rail and canal links to West Berlin.
6. The3 Berlin Airlift. The USA and its Allies organised Operation Vittles to fly supplies into Berlin.
  •  Large cargo planes used three air corridors to fly into three airports in West Berlin.
  • At the peak, they were flying in every 90 seconds with 8,000 tons of goods a day.
  • The goods included food, medical supplies, petrol and coal.
 7. Berlin suffered because there were shortages so rationing was used.
  • Stalin also cut electricity into West Berlin.
  • Industry suffered and 120,000 lost their jobs.
8. The spirit of the people was kept up by huge public meetings.
9. Stalin realised that he was not going to win - he wanted Truman to drop the currency or leave Berlin.
  • Stalin lifted the Blockade.


10. The USA won the first victory in the Cold War battle with the Soviet Union.
11. After the Blockade was lifted, NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) was formed to defend its members against potential Soviet attacks. It included the USA, Canada and ten Western European countries.
12. Germany remained divided until the Cold War ended in 1990.
13. Berlin remained a source of tension during the Cold War, especially as East Germans left their side to get work in the more prosperous West. Eventually the Soviet and the East German governments built the Berlin Wall.

The Berlin Blockade

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